From standard issue D.O.T. to custom decorative, OnSight offers multiple styles of street signs and we can manage the entire project from permitting to installation.
Whether you are a Homeowners Association (HOA) board member seeking to upgrade the existing street signs within your community or a Land Manager evaluating an extensive street sign package for your new development, our experienced team of street sign experts can walk you through every step of the street sign process.
From selecting the right style of street sign apparatus to blend seamlessly with the architectural elements of the community to making sure that your new signage complies with permitting requirements, we have years of experience executing street sign projects, both large and small.
Common Street Sign Options Customized for Your Needs
D.O.T. Street Sign – Basic county code ordinances are satisfied by selecting the D.O.T. street sign style of product. This product line is also the most economical of all street sign options available. Street sign components are generally limited to a standard U-Channel post, an engineered vinyl street sign blade and a street sign, such as a stop sign, sheeted with high intensity vinyl.
Semi-Custom Street Sign – This upgraded product line satisfies all county code ordinances, but also incorporates an incremental level of customization to the street sign. Upgraded street sign components can include a fluted or smooth aluminum pole, an aluminum finial and more decorative street sign blades, often incorporating the use of a decorative scroll or bracket.
Decorative Street Sign – Decorative Street Signs improve curb appeal, boost neighborhood or community pride, and enhance home resale values. In fact, upgrading standard D.O.T. street signs into custom decorative street signs represents the single most important value enhancement initiative that can be undertaken by an HOA.
Our decorative street sign product line is the highest-end style of street sign offered in the industry. As with the other street sign product categories highlighted above, the decorative street sign product line complies with all county code ordinances while also offering the broadest component flexibility in achieving the desired visual impact.
Upgraded street sign components include a fluted or smooth aluminum pole and a selection from a wide array of cast aluminum finials, bases, scrolls and decorative street sign blades. Our designers and metal fabricators can create a decorative street sign that is entirely custom and unique to your specific community.
Importantly, not all decorative street signs have to be expensive and out of the budget of even the most conservative neighborhood associations. By stocking a wide variety of custom designer street sign styles direct from the foundry and fabricated internally in our metal working shop, OnSight can tailor a decorative street sign package specific to your design preference and budget.
Contact Your Street Sign Experts Today
Since 1991, OnSight has provided the highest quality custom street signs throughout the Southeast. Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation with one of our dedicated Account Managers!
Looking for additional community enhancement ideas? Be sure to check out our Community Entry Signs.